Terms & Policies

Acceptable Use Policy

Effective Date: February 14, 2019
This Acceptable Use Policy outlines a list of acceptable and unacceptable conduct for our Service. If we believe a violation of this Acceptable Use Policy exists, or presents a credible risk to other users, customers, or FTOCloud, we may suspend or terminate your access. Please take the time to review this document, and check back often as we may review and update the Acceptable Use Policy.


  • ensure that all e-mail addresses associated with FTOCloud are valid at all times, and that all contact information is correct and up-to-date;
  • review and comply with the User Terms of Service, as well as our Privacy Policy;
  • comply with all applicable laws and governmental regulations promulgated by any government agencies;
  • publish accurate information;
  • use commercially reasonable efforts to prevent unauthorized access to or use of the Services;
  • safeguard passwords and login information;
  • comply with all of these rules and use FTOCloud in a professional manner; and
  • notify us immediately at support@ftocloud.com if you become aware of any illegal or unauthorized activity, or a security breach involving your account including any loss, theft, or unauthorized disclosure or use of a username, password, or account.

Do Not:

  • falsify information, including providing inaccurate or inappropriate information in respective fields (i.e., supplying e-mail in a name field);
  • harass, abuse, or harm others through inappropriate or otherwise undesirable content through unwelcomed communications;
  • interfere with FTOCloud operations, which includes, but is not limited to networks, servers, and/or load balancers. Interference includes, but is not limited to placing an unreasonable load on FTOCloud's infrastructure, attempting to gain unauthorized access, or transmitting, or otherwise attempting to transmit computer viruses, Trojans, or harmful code;
  • attempt to sell, trade, distribute, rent, lease, re-sell, loan, or offer as a service any of FTOCloud products or services;
  • remove or otherwise hide any branding displayed by FTOCloud;
  • data scrape, data crawl, reserve engineer, reverse assemble, decipher, download, upload, ping, reprogram, or make any attempts to gain access to programming code or source code. These actions are in violation of the license outlined in the User Terms of Service;
  • imply, either directly or indirectly stating, inferring, and/or documenting, that you are affiliated or endorsed by FTOCloud or any affiliates;
  • share your password or login information, nor will you allow anyone to access, or otherwise engage in an activity that may jeopardize the security of your account or FTOCloud;
  • publish illegal or pornographic content, as well as content that is sexually explicit, violent, that breaches security of another account, or reasonably likely to cause harm, or could be considered slander or libel;
  • use any bots or automated services to access FTOCloud. Manual control of your account is required at all times; or
  • authorize, permit, enable, induce or encourage any third party to do any of the above.